Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I have 4 tickets for the Clinton Kelly LIVE show at QVC!!!!!!!!!

Cathleen Woodbridge(my mom and your Sr. Director and FUTURE NATIONAL) will be coming and I have picked 2 lucky ladies to join us!!  They will also be able to pick our brains after the show at dinner and ask us all the questions they want about how to have success in Mary Kay. 

THE WINNERS ARE.............




These girls have been attending meetings and they deserve a little treat!

Get excited!!!!!!

Your VERY proud Sales Director,


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Make the most of the Expo at Seminar!!!

Make the Most of Expo at Seminar 2011!

There is so much in store for you at Imagine Your Way to BeautifulSM Seminar 2011! And we’ve got some hot scoop here on what not to miss. As many independent sales force members can tell you – there’s no other event where you can get loads of education, motivation and inspiration all in one place! You’ll be kickin’ yourself later if you don’t come! To make the most of the event, you’ve got to check out the Mary Kay® Expo where you can:
  • Get a sneak peek at upcoming TimeWise® skin care products and sample the new Fall/Holiday 2011 collection! These items won’t be available to all independent sales force members until 9/15 (and to Sales Directors on 8/26) on Mary Kay InTouch®. Only Seminar 2011 attendees will get this advanced preview!
  • Get a fantabulous product giveaway! Only Seminar 2011 attendees will receive product for your personal use worth the value of your registration fee. Each giveaway will feature retail-size products of select Fall/Holiday items that you can use right away! Including new Regular Line TimeWise® skin care, items from the fall/holiday collection and Limited Edition color collection. How great is that!
  • Stop by MKConnections® for some super-special offers and discounts only available to Seminar attendees! There will also be some nice people from our Mary Kay® biz partners (like T-Mobile®, AT&T and Chase™ MK RewardsSM Visa®) with more discounts and goodies!
  • Grab a top Independent Sales Director to pick her brain for some hot tips. Believe it or not you’ll have just that opportunity (except for the grabbing part). At Expo we’ll have top Sales Directors on hand during special times (look for the schedule in the Marketing Booth Area) to offer their best tips on booking, selling and team building! Watch the Tips from Top Sales Director Trip video for a preview.
  • Meet and chat with some very popular scientists - Dr. Beth Lange and her dreamy, steamy Research & Development team. They can share the info about how this stuff is made and what’s in it. You can also chat with Vice President of Global Brand Development, Sheryl Adkins-Green. You may, just may, be able to persuade her to tell you what’s comin’ up later this year.
There is so much to see and do at the Mary Kay® Expo at Seminar 2011. And you can be among the first to get the scoop by attending! PLUS there will be a super special color workshop (see Schedule-at-a-Glance for times and location) with exclusive guest makeup artist LUIS CASCO! Get all the tips and tricks the pros use so you can become the makeup guru for your customers!
At Seminar you can also get tons of recognition when you qualify for the Lights, Action, Fashion Challenge (don’t forget there’s a reception, a luncheon and oh yeah, a super hot new red jacket!), All-Star Luncheon, Royalty Reception and so much more!
Don’t forget to check out the Class Descriptions, Schedule-at-a-Glance and all the great information at left, including fun activities for your better-half!
Register today. Oh and if the weather has you concerned, it’ll be hotter than all get out but we’ll do our best to keep you cool. So don’t let that stop you. Here in Texas we are so looking forward to seeing YOU, so please come! If you need tips or ideas on how you can make the Seminar 2011 journey happen for you, visit the Let’s Talk Community.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Win your "Clinton Kelly" ticket!!!!!!!

Hello gorgeous ladies!!

We had 3 women who were VERY close to GenX but missed it by a few interviews and I KNOW they are determined to finish GenX next month.  Whats GenX?  Check out website michaelaparlett.blogspot.com and look under the GenX tab for all the details. 

The prize for completing GenX in April was a live show at QVC with Clinton Kelly from the hit show "What Not to Wear".  I have 3 tickets available and I do not want them to go to waste SOOOO the first 3 people to finish this challenge will get to go with me to the show in mid May. 

Whats the challenge????
book 5 parties by May 5th!!  That's ONLY 1 per day!!!!  You can totally do that!

More details:
*Email me every time you schedule a party.  The email should include the hostesses name, #, date of the party, and what she wants to earn with her hostess credit (Ex.  Michaela Parlett is my hostess.  Her # is 484-889-2850, the party is set for May 15th and she wants to earn a free Microdermabrasion)

*The first 3 to email me with their 5 hostesses and party details will win a ticket!!!

*Who can get excited about this??!!  I know I can!!!! 

Get your engines started...on your mark, get set, GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Michaela Parlett
Your Proud Sales Director

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

GenX SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I don't know about you ladies but I LOVE QVC and even more I LOVE the tlc show What Not to Wear.  So I have a little surprise for ya'll!

There are 3 women that are On Target for GenX this month, Amanda Hillyer, Jeremi Fisher, and Katie Stitsworth.  The original girls night out for April GenX achievers  was a tour at QVC but I'm stepping it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GUESS WHAT??!!  April GenX achievers will be joining me for a LIVE QVC show with Clinton Kelly from "What Not to Wear"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have the tickets reserved for us!!!

Who wants to join me?????

Thursday, April 21, 2011

From Intouch...How to help your team members get off to a great start!

Published 04.15.11

You Can Help Get Your New Team Member Off to a Great Start!

Congratulations to YOU if you are one of the many Independent Beauty Consultants who gained their first new team member this month during the Spring Break Promotion! Adding new team members helps you grow in your Mary Kay business but, more important, you are touching someone’s life by offering them this awesome opportunity.
Whether this is your first new team member or your 10th, here are a few tips that you can use to keep the excitement and momentum going:
  • Check with your Independent Sales Director. She knows a lot about building a team!
  • Follow up with your new team members and welcome them to your team either through a personal phone call, short note or MKeCard. There are several that you can customize with a personal message.
  • Your new team members will probably have lots of questions. Schedule time soon to get together in person or on a conference call, Skype or through the Unit Circles area of Let’s Talk. This will help to alleviate any concerns they may have about starting a new business. You may want to ask your Sales Director to join in.
  • Offer to go through their Starter Kit once it arrives. It might even be helpful to go through the Start Earning Now Brochure before they get their Starter Kit. You can access through the above link and print a copy for your new team member.
  • Offer to car pool with your new team members to the first unit meeting or arrange to meet them all at the door and sit together as they learn the ropes.
  • While they are waiting for their Starter Kit, remind them to log on to Mary Kay InTouch® to take advantage of special limited-time offers just for new Independent Beauty Consultants including:
  • Encourage her to attend your Sales Director’s New Beauty Consultant education.
  • Let them know of all the wonderful education they can take advantage of through The Silver Wings ProgramSM as they wait to receive their Starter Kit. And don’t forget that you can sharpen your leadership skills by exploring the Pre-Sales Director-in-Qualification modules, also found through The Silver Wings Scholar ProgramSM.
As always love them, listen to them and let them know they are never alone in this business! The dream is just beginning for them; let’s help them make it come true!


Hello to all my fabulous ladies!!!!  Our goal is to add 10 more fabulous women to our unit this month!!!  We are only 8 away from that goal!

Who can you think of that would benefit from a Mary Kay business whether its hobby time, part time or full time??  Who do you know that needs some extra income?  Some fun?  Some great new girlfriends?

Call them ALL and let them know about this $50 April special!!!!

Move up to the next level...Red Jacket, Team leader, On target CAR!!!!  YOU CAN DO IT!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Get Beautiful. Give Back!

Supporting Makoever Contest Documents(Thank you Director Only Services)Click Here* Color 101 Spring
Click Here* Get Beautiful Give Back Flyer (option 1)
Click Here* Get Beautiful Give Back Flyer (option 2)
Click Here* Get Beautiful Contest Postcards
Click Here* Makeover Postcard 2
Click Here* Makeover Postcard 3
Click Here* Makeover Postcard 4

Check Out
www.marykayintouch.com under "2011 Makeover Contest"
for Consultant Details.  Customer's can find info and enter to win @ 
www.mkmakeovercontest.com beginning April 15th, 2011.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Career Conference was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cindy Machado-Flippen "post cardom depression" haha

She is one AMAZING woman and a great example of how God blesses effort

My girl GLORIA MAYFIELD BANKS!!!!!!!  Teaching the Directors "If you are satisfied you are out of passion"


Gloria again...can you tell I LOVE her??!!  Oh by the way her highest commission check for 1 month is over $78,000!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP!!

Mary Sacco debuting as a NEW Sales Director

TOP 10 Great job Shelley and Lara!!!!!!!  So proud to do life with you two!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


March Wholesale
March Wholesale
Consultants in


           New Consultant
      Proud Recruiter
1. Ashley Kraus * Michaela 
2. Katie Stitsworth *Shannon (her 1st recruit)
3. Jeremi Fisher *Michaela (2)
4. Caitlyn Helms * Michaela (3)

Sneak peek of STUDIO PINK!

Hey ladies!!!!  Here is a sneak peek of our NEW training center.  The owner still has some furniture in there so everything will look different on April 11th. 

We(myself and my sister Directors) are going next Friday to set up everything!  I am so excited to offer you girls a PROFESSIONAL, GORGEOUS Studio. 

What do you think????

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


My fabulous friend Audra sent me her affirmations that she recites everyday!  I LOVED it!!!  If you start telling yourself this everyday there is NO TELLING what could happen!  I'm putting this all over my house except I'm changing "Director in the making" to "National in the making."  Gives me goose bumps!

I am strong
I am powerful
I have the #1 brand
its what every woman wants
I have the best opportunity in the land
its what every woman needs
I am a master warm chatter-er
everyone I see wants to know me
I am a master booker
everyone I know wants to book with me
I am a master recruter
everyone I talk to wants to join me
I have 1 life

this is it
it is not a dress rehearsal
So I will do today
what I could do tomorrow
I will work today
because I may not be able tomorrow
And I will move up today

so that tomorrow I am closer to my destiny
for I am a Director in the making!!!!!!!!

Thanks Audra LOVE YOU!!


Monday, March 28, 2011


WE HAVE A TRAINING CENTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am BEYOND excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is something I have been working on trying to accomplish since we became a unit in June.

We have the opportunity to work at a training center with 3 other fabulous Directors.  Our meetings will be ROCKIN!!  Having our own place means we can have music, clap as loud as we want, hang posters, bring guests into a professional environment, and we have our own kitchen and bathroom.  

Since the first Monday in April we will be at the King of Prussia workshop meetings will start there April 11th.

Training Center Information:
 Monday night Success event
Address: 630 Wharton Blvd Exton, PA

It will be a longer drive for some people than the meetings in King of Prussia but I know those who want to come will make the extra effort.  The good out ways the bad because of everything we get having our own place.  I used to drive an hour to my meetings.  

Thank you for your excitement as we move into this next phase.

WOHOO sooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Weekly accomplishments

Tonight's Queen of Sales:  Andi LaPorte with $650+ in sales
Tonight's Queen of Bookings:  Andi LaPorte with 3 bookings



Congratulations to our Ledda Area Star Consultants
in the 3rd Quarter
   Quarter ending March 15
(as of March 15, 2011)
Nan M. Patrick $9,950
Kimberly A. Lockett $6,460
Kimberly D. Hirt $5,039
Jodie Gualano $5,024
D'Anna Brown $4,937
Thijuana J. Williams $4,910
Jeri-Lynn Arocho $3,985
Ruth A. Raym $3,686
Gigi F. Centaro $3,615
Sheri Miter $3,614
Marcia C. Hadley $3,529
Maureen V. Lehet $3,190
Michele J. Jordan $3,113
Connie Lustig $3,100
Michaela B. Parlett $3,030
Stacey A. Moffat $3,013
Lucille G. Lopez $3,003
Christine Whitcher $3,002
Marquilla P. James $2,881
Lynn Bell $2,813
Cathleen Woodbridge $2,722
Danielle M. Hirt $2,618
Stephanie J. Matushoneck $2,600
Cathy A. Bobbitt $2,550
Jo A. Gulvas $2,543
Eileen S. Browning $2,488
Ellen M. DeFay $2,477
Katie L. Lemoncelli $2,468
Kathy Chapman $2,461
Dae M. Pickerell $2,459
Kathi Kiernan $2,458
Sandra L. Maciak $2,448
Sandra I. Songayllo $2,431
Fran Lambert $2,424
Sandra C. Bauman $2,416
Julie M. Citorik $2,413
Aileen Mack $2,411
Dianne Kring $2,409
Carol A. List $2,405
Tammy Ward $2,404
Sandy M. Goyer $2,402
Lori A. Beatty $2,401
Melanie L. Bogle $2,115
Carly A. Jordan $2,103
Kathleen O. Moses $2,064
Christine M. Drasdis $2,034
Donna M. Brosseau $2,024
Jennette McFadden-Norton $2,012
Barbara Sullivan-Angermann $2,011
Cindy L. Reveal $1,982
Lucinda L. Howell $1,971
Diane M. Diliberato $1,954
Ann Marie Yeager $1,950
Amanda C. Hillyer $1,948
Victoria L. Wafer $1,943
Lindsay Bielli $1,926
Tricia M. Stampfli $1,904
Karen A. Fernandez $1,873
Marcia Greenson $1,848
Laura L. Minteer $1,847
Joan M. Preston $1,847
Diane DePue $1,834
Barbara S. Dooley $1,832
Tikheta L. Johnson $1,832
Caroline R. Slabowski $1,832
Laura Nixon $1,828
Judith Guild $1,828
Janice K. Olson $1,827
Nancy M. Minch $1,821
Grace M. Garduno $1,817
Kathryn Duncan $1,815
Meredith B. Kost $1,814
Sonia Ravelo $1,814
Faye Barber $1,810
Rebbecca M. Castillo $1,810
Nancy Denny $1,808
Maria C. Scott $1,807
Dawn A. Hake $1,806
Kelley Morris $1,806
Lisa Marie C. Burns $1,805
Kelly Jean J. Cooper $1,804
Georgiana McGinnis $1,804
Mary Sacco $1,804
Terri Lord $1,804
Marie Butts $1,804
Dani Barmen $1,803
Patty L. Betz $1,803
Deborah Marrer $1,803
Yolanda Arocho $1,802
Marie L. Boyd $1,802
Caroline Dolaway $1,802
Adrienne M. Huestis $1,801
Carolyn Moore $1,801
Lindsi C. West $1,800

GEN X!!!! The KEY to success!!

GenX Program
Super Achiever
45+ Faces
15 Interviews
$1,200 Wholesale
& 1 New Team Member
GenX Elite
10 Guests Or Interviews
$1,000 Wholesale
1+ New Team Members
GenX15+ Faces
5 Guests Or Interviews
$650 Wholesale
Complete A GenX Activity Level To Be
Photo Featured Here The Following Month!!

Congratulations February GenX Achievers!

Michaela Parlett

Shannon Baillie 

ON TARGET for GENX March Girls night out....to the PHILLIES!!!

Shannon Baillie ($20 away)
Michaela Parlett (finished)
Amanda Hillyer ($150 away)
Carly Jordan (finished)
Kelly Getzfread ($83 away)
Lindsay Bielli (finished)



Add Three Qualified:Receive your choice of one of the red jackets PLUS an invitation to the Light, Action, Fashion reception @ Seminar 2011.
Add Four Qualified:Receive your choice of one of the red jackets, an invitation to the reception, PLUS an invitation to the posh Lights, Action, Fashion Luncheon @ Seminar 2011.
Add Five Qualified:Receive your choice of one of the red jackets, an invitation to the reception and luncheon AND a stunning, matching jewelry set.
****a qualified new personal team member is one whose initial order with the company is
$600 or more in wholesale section 1 products and it is received and accepted by the company
 in the same or following calendar month between March 1st and June 30th, 2011, that her Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement is received and accepted bu the Company****

NEW!!! 2011 Sales Director Suit!

NEW!!! 2011 Independent Sales Director Suit!!Purple reigns!! You'll make an impression wherever you go in the sophisticated NEW Modern Orchid Collection for Sales Directors!
 Color, cut and texture come together in beautiful harmony!!
Click Here* Director Career PathClick Here* Modern Orchid DIQ Tracking SheetClick Here* Modern Orchid Poster (for focus folders & dreambooks)Click Here* Why Directorship Income Comparison
The beautiful matching class ring will be yours when you debut
as an Independent Sales Director from Aug. 1, 2010 - July 1, 2011