Michaela...a Red Jacket?

I got inspired by a Sales Director at Career Conference who put her Red Jacket "back on" and worked her way through "DIQ" again.

I will be putting my Red Jacket back on as pretend "new" star team builder starting May 1st 2011.  This blog will be the place where I write what I go through each week as I "re climb" the Mary Kay ladder from Start Team builder through DIQ.  I will tell you everything I do from booking phone calls, to overcoming fears, how I got new leads, how much time I spent at parties, my sales, what I profit each week etc.  AND I will do it all as if I have a regular 9-5.      

Why now?  Well this is probably the most inconvenient time for me to do this with a baby coming in a few short months BUT if you want success you have to be committed to working through every obstacle that comes your way right?  RIGHT!  So often I hear consultants say I will when____ is over and settled.  Success doesn't wait for things to be settled, all the lights are NEVER green so that is why I am doing this now in the midst of having my first baby. 

Mary Kay Ash said you are always in one of these 3 situations..."you are either in a crisis, coming out of a crisis, or about to go into a crisis."

Most people are interested in becoming successful in the business but the people who are committed to becoming successful are the ones who actually become successful.  Being interested means you do it when its convenient for you and being committed means you do it even when its inconvenient for you.

Am I terrified to do this in front of everyone? YES!  You better believe it :).  But fear can be conquered with ACTION!  I want to show each one of you that all it takes is consistent effort each week and not even a ton of effort just effort.

Want to follow along?  Check back starting May 1st!